Welcome to the Two Towers Mud! - T2T
The Two Towers, an online game set in Tolkien's world of Middle-Earth, at the time of 'Lord of the Rings'
Adventures in Middle-Earth - For fans, by fans - Established 1994

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The Date is March 15, 3019 Third Age.

Sauron has brought war to the Free People of Middle-earth. On the field of the Pelennor, at the gates of the great city of Minas Tirith, the battle of our time is being fought. Lothlorien, Thranduil's Kingdom, Dale and Erebor are also under siege.

Sauron will not stop until all of Middle-earth is his. Join him, or stand with those who are against him. The choice is yours!

The Two Towers MUD is a free Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game set entirely within Tolkien's world of Middle-earth, at the time of 'Lord of the Rings'. We have extensively re-created the lands of Middle-earth in a rich text environment, from Mithlond to Mordor and the lands of Harad beyond. With over 100,000 rooms and always growing, The Two Towers is a richly developed and highly interactive world. There are hundreds of quests, with rewards great and small, for you to discover.

The Two Towers has an active community of players from around the world who come together to play online. Players join together to create guilds, raid enemy lands, and more.

Online continuously since 1994, The Two Towers is one of the longest running multiplayer games on the internet and is maintained by a staff of hardworking volunteers who love Tolkien and multiplayer gaming.

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Current Users: 10
T2T News
(Click the date headers to see the full news post)

March 2nd, 2025
The 27th Annual T2T Event is almost upon us! As always, the celebration will kick off at midnight on March 15th, with a reboot beginning fifteen minutes before midnight on March 14th. This year, The Event will run for five days, ending when March 19th completes.

January 23rd, 2025
Please re-read 'help comm_policy', as it has been updated to make official and permanent our policy of not allowing politically-motivated content on T2T's public channels, both on the MUD itself and our official Discord.

December 23rd, 2024
Project Azanulbizar is LIVE! The Depths of Moria, where Nameless Things lurk, are now accessible to those of the bravest hearts and highest valor. Untold treasures may be won, but at what cost?

June 7th, 2024
The current uptime is officially the 30th Anniversary celebration reboot! Join us to celebrate 30 years of T2T with some fun blasts from the past. The next reboot will happen at 6:30PM on Tuesday, June 11, with a special 30-minute countdown celebrating each year of our history.

May 1st, 2024
T2T 30th Anniversary Merch is now available! Shirts, hoodies, mugs and more. This is not a fundraiser, so all items are very close to actual cost, as a thank you to our players. Click here to Shop!

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Recent T2T Updates

Below is a list of the most recent 20 updates made on The Two Towers by our dedicated volunteer coders.

DateUpdaterUpdate Text
02/24/25VildoranA nasty bug with weapons that were both dual-wieldable and sheathable has been fixed.
02/22/25VildoranYou can now wear multiple hairpins at once.
02/22/25VildoranThe pale longsword is now slightly larger and no longer dual-wieldable.
02/22/25VildoranThe longswords of ruin and valor from Umbar are now shortswords.
02/21/25LungorthinMoria Depths: A few overlooked bugs have been resolved. Namely related to the Betrayal quest sniffer, the dirty vial, and an unintentional chest reset in the Marbles quest.
02/21/25LungorthinMoria Depths: The grey pouch's effect on small shields has been reduced to a more reasonable amount.
02/21/25LungorthinVictims held in Ussh's tail will no longer be held endlessly if the party fails to free him or her. Though, beware that Ussh's grasp and its duration is still very much a potentially deadly affair.
02/13/25VildoranYou can now "sell all", "sell all from <container>", and "sell <gem> from <container>" at the gem dealers in Minas Tirith and Dharan-Sar.
02/10/25VildoranMoria Depths: torches on orcs will no longer burn out prematurely.
02/07/25LungorthinMoria Depths: The captain's weapon in the For The Horde quest has been changed. From now on, the crimson-striped dagger will only be available in one location.
02/06/25VildoranMoria Depths: some new equipment has been added to potential rewards.
02/06/25VildoranMoria Depths: fixed some wrapping issues with the party history on the map.
02/06/25VildoranMoria Depths: fixed a bug where archers were not getting the full benefits from wearing four pieces of the cirithil armour set.
02/04/25LungorthinA mithril source deep within Moria's depths has been removed, making way for new veins of metal. Additionally, keen-eyed explorers seeking rarities may still uncover something of particular interest.
02/01/25VildoranMoria Depths: runty orc shrieks are now significantly more dangerous when other orcs are in the room.
02/01/25VildoranMoria Depths: the drop rates for some items have been tweaked a bit.
02/01/25VildoranMoria Depths: the steel-tipped boots and blackened cloak no longer drop as loot from various sources. Instead, they are now equipped by specific NPCs.
02/01/25VildoranMoria Depths: fixed a bug where the wrong elite orcs were spawning on level 4.
02/01/25VildoranMoria Depths: your party history is now displayed on the map. If you'd like to disable this, simply 'toggle partyhist' anywhere inside Az. (it's also possible to 'toggle map', should you want to turn it off)
02/01/25VildoranMoria Depths: you can no longer transfer points to inanimate objects (or squirrels).
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