Welcome to the Two Towers Mud! - T2T
The Two Towers, an online game set in Tolkien's world of Middle-Earth, at the time of 'Lord of the Rings'
Adventures in Middle-Earth - For fans, by fans - Established 1994

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Note  51  Luthien      (10/31/12 22:10)  Downtime

Hi everyone,
As many of you surely noticed, the mud was offline for just over a 
day.  This was due to a power outage at our server location caused by
Hurricane Sandy - a hurricane that swept through the eastern part of
the US (among other places) and caused serious damage.  Power outages
were common and prolonged in many areas.
We are now up and running, and stable again.  There should be no
more outages for the foreseeable future (at least not due to
natural disasters anyway)!
Happy adventuring!
- Luthien, on behalf of the Administration

Site Map Copyright 2023 The Two Towers Mud