
Wagons (Objects Help)Wagons are vital for carrying large amounts of goods from place to
place. On The Two Towers, players can purchase one for a large sum of
money. Wagons can be built for you by certain wagon builders placed
throughout the world. Currently, there are four in game: in Adornas,
in Waypoint near Edoras, in Tul-Tarzhayan and in Osgiliath.
Once you have a wagon, there are a few things that you should know:
- To move your wagon, you should either 'pull' it behind you, or, with a
mount present, 'harness' the wagon to the mount.
- To stop pulling your wagon, just 'pull'. To have your mount stop
pulling your wagon, 'unharness' your wagon from the mount.
- A wagon's contents are only available to its owner, provided that the
owner is online. You may 'allow' other players to access your wagon,
or 'disallow' them. You may also 'allow party' to allow all your
current party members to access the wagon (with 'disallow party' doing
the opposite) as well as 'allow all' to allow all players in the room
to access the wagon. 'Disallow all' lets you quickly clear the list of
allowances, while 'disallow all here' can be used to remove access
for all players in the room with you.
- After you log off, your wagon's contents may be looted by any player.
After a couple of hours, or sometimes less, bandits may steal your
entire wagon, too! It's best to give them to a friend, auction them,
or sell them back.
- Because wagons may not enter all shops, you may also 'packtag' your
wagon in order to sell items from your wagon.
Note that wagons are large and heavy, and weak adventurers may not be
strong enough to pull the largest of wagons, nor capable enough to direct
their mounts to pull such wagons. In addition, storing a unique piece of
equipment inside your wagon may have the same consequence as storing a
unique piece of equipment inside a strongbox.
There is a limit of one wagon per player at any given time, but you
may give your wagon to any player, or sell it back to the wagon builder.
Wagons come in all shapes, sizes, and forms. In this respect, wains,
drays, and carts are also considered wagons.