Welcome to the Two Towers Mud! - T2T
The Two Towers, an online game set in Tolkien's world of Middle-Earth, at the time of 'Lord of the Rings'
Adventures in Middle-Earth - For fans, by fans - Established 1994

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Note  59  Aule         (01/31/18 16:53)  Become a patron of T2T

To all adventurers far and wide who have enjoyed your
time on The Two Towers, I bring tidings!
Hosting for t2tmud costs approximately $50 per month, and
has until recently been paid using the funds from our last
fundraising drive.  Unfortunately, those funds have now
run out...
Going forward we have set up a page on Patreon.  You can
find our page here:
Patreon is a web service which allows you, as supporters,
to pledge to pay small increments: as little as $1 a month,
to support online endeavors of your chosing.  It only takes
a few dozen people, pledging small amounts, to keep T2T
Please take a moment and consider becoming a patron of
t2tmud on patreon, so that we can keep Mt. Doom erupting
for years to come!
-- Aule

Site Map Copyright 2023 The Two Towers Mud