The Two Towers is a non-profit organization run entirely by player support. There are many ways you can help T2T.
This is the best and easiest way to support T2T - by signing up as a patron on Patreon! Just head over to the T2T Patreon Page to learn more!Direct Donations
If you would prefer to make a single one-time donation via PayPal, instead of becoming a subscribed Patreon patron, click here to learn more.Voting
Voting for The Two Towers helps by increasing our ranking on websites that track MUD popularity. Voting brings us new players everyday, so keep voting and keep T2T at its proper place in the list of top MUDs!Reviews
Write a review of T2T and let others know exactly why T2T is so much fun.Word of Mouth
In addition to the suggestions above, you can introduce your friends and family to The Two Towers. You know how much fun the game has been for you, so now let others know about your personal experience and encourage them to check it out for themselves.Thanks for your continued support!