Welcome to the Two Towers Mud! - T2T
The Two Towers, an online game set in Tolkien's world of Middle-Earth, at the time of 'Lord of the Rings'
Adventures in Middle-Earth - For fans, by fans - Established 1994

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Note  57  Vildoran     (05/11/20 20:33)  About the recent crash...

Hi Arda,
As most of you have undoubtedly noticed, we experienced a crash
earlier today. In short, with the switch to the updated operating
system we had to recompile some of the core code used to run the
MUD. This resulted in a number of abnormalities that we're still
trying to assess.
Unfortunately, the crash occured before we could recompile a
new version of the MUD. As such, we're still running a faulty
version and in order to prevent a similar situation, we'll be
performing a reboot at about 2d uptime.
We've compiled a new version that we're hoping will address these
issues. If you are a playtester and have some time, please try
to do some stress testing on the testmud. This could go a long
way towards tracking down these issueus, and potentially others.
We apologize for the instability and hopefully we'll have some
answers soon!

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