El-ixir (Roleplaying/Games Help)
El-Ixir is a two-player (although it is possible to play against
yourself) board game that can be found in Khemnahr in Far Harad or in
Edoras in East Arda.
The game is played on a 14x14 tile board. The objective of the game
is to connect as many of blocks in your colour to the corners as you can.
The players take turns, during which they are randomly assigned 4 of the
empty tiles on the board.
To make a move, a player must choose one of these four tiles and place
a block at that point. The block may be up to 4 tiles long, and can
be oriented in any direction.
If the block you placed causes some blocks to be connected to one of
the corners, you will be credited a point for every tile covered by a block
in your color that's connected to one of the corners.
There are two types of embraces:
- complete embrace, when your blocks either completely enclose a part
of the board or wall it in into a border.
- anchored embraces, which trade the requirement of enclosing only
parts of the board that contain no free tiles for allowing braces
that are connected only diagonally.
An embraced area will be filled with your tiles, converting enemy's
tiles as well.
The game ends when one of the players gains 100 points, or there are
no more moves possible (the board is full).
Visit the teahouse in Khemnahr to learn the exact syntax of commands
used to play this game.