Emoteat (Social command)
Usage: |
emoteat <person> <emote text>
The emoteat command allows you to send an emote to a specific player
or NPC in the room, with the message tailored to the gender of the
The emote text can contain special strings which are replaced based
on the gender of the target person:
- #n - Name of target
- #g - Apostrophed name of target (Someone's)
- #s - subjective of target (he, she, it)
- #o - objective of target (him, her, it)
- #p - possessive of target (his, hers, its)
- #r - reflexive of target (himself, herself, itself)
- ## - an actual '#' character
emoteat mykloid slaps #n and makes #o cry.
Mykloid will see:
Aule slaps you and makes you cry.
The room will see:
Aule slaps Mykloid and makes him cry.
If anyone hearing you has a high awareness skill, they will detect
the emote and it will be prepended with '-> '. This is to prevent
players from fooling one another and 'simulating' emote text that could
come from quests or combat.