Help (General command)
The help command can provide you with lots of information on a number
of topics on the MUD. Typing 'help' will get you a general overview.
'help start' will show you some information for new players. 'help topics'
and 'help commands' will give you a list of things you might want to read
help on. If you wanted to read more about a specific semote, you would
type 'help semote <semote>'.
Also, you can 'help list' for a complete list of every help file.
To narrow help display to a particular area, you may provide it as
an additional second argument. For example: 'help skill tactics'. The
valid areas are: general, rules, guides, theme, prof, skill, tradeskill,
spell, stat, combat, pvp, guilds, services, objects, rp, tech, web,
command, spell, semote. Apart from the last three, they correspond
exactly to the help categories as described in 'help topics'.
Note that it is usually not necessary to specifically enter the help
area; the help command will try to find what you are asking it about
anyway. That is, 'help tactics' will work just as well as 'help skill tactics'. The exception of this rule are semotes and spells: you have to
type in the 'semote' or 'spell' part to view their description.