The 'more' prompt appears when the game attempts to send more text
to your screen than you can view at once. For example, this fairly often
happens when you view help files such as this one. Once at the more
prompt, the following options are available:
<return> - Display next page of text.
B,b - Display previous page of text.
< - Go to the beginning of the document.
> - Go to the end of the document.
= - Display the current line number.
G - Go to a specified line number.
/ - Search forward.
\ - Search backward.
n - Continue last search. (maintain direction)
v - Print the version number.
h,? - Print a help screen.
Q,q - Quit.
You may set the following variables to customize your more screen:
clear_more - Provides a better-looking --MORE--, but doesn't work on
some clients.
LINES - Sets the number of lines printed before --MORE--(%).
If you use a negative value and your client supports the
TELNET protocol, more will use all the lines of your
screen except LINES.