
Game concepts (General Help)This help file is a short summary of all help topics in the 'general
help' category. These are the things you should be generally aware
of when playing The Two Towers:
- helpers - Helpers, or Newbiehelpers, are players who have volunteered
to spend extra time helping new players get familiar with the game.
- hints - How the in-game hints are structured and how they work.
- experience - Your point reward for fighting.
- alignment - Your perceived "goodness" (or "evilness").
- levels, levelling, level quests, highlevels - Requirements for and
detailed description on how to advance your character.
- skills, skills2, skills3 - Description of available character skills.
- stats - Your physical and mental attributes.
- hitpoints, endurance - Also known as HP and EP, your current health.
- age - What do we understand by "character age".
- services - What useful places you can find in most towns.
- speedwalking - How to travel faster.
- combat - Quick description of the combat system.
- pvp system - How fighting other player-characters works.
- death - What happens when you die.
- encumbrance - How much you can carry before you become too encumbered.
- drunkenness - How does being drunk affect the gameplay.
- spellcasting - How spellcasting works in Arda.
- tongues - Description of different spoken languages in Arda.
- sight - What happens when you cannot see.
- channels - Channels, or comms, are the communication lines with other
- abbreviations - Common abbreviations used by the MUD players in tells
and on comms.
- parties - How to adventure together with other players.
- semotes - Detailed description of the soul emote system.
- idle, lag, linkdead - How your connection can affect the gameplay.
- reboots, portals - Information about the cyclical "reboot" of the game
- respawn - Information about quests and areas resetting.
- surnames, titles - Some options to customize your character.
- autoloads - Information about items that stay with you when you quit.
- unique - Information about special, powerful items in Arda.
- namechange, racechange - Details of special one-time changes you
can make to your character.
- mud alignment, regions - A system of global messages roughly
representing what NPCs get killed more in the MUD: the good ones or
the evil ones.
- serving - Details of the serving system, allowing members of the Free
Races to betray their side and collaborate with Sauron's forces.
- maps - Information on where to find detailed maps of Arda.