
Commands (Command Help)Controlling your character on The Two Towers requires typing various
commands. This file contains a list of all the commands which you can
type anywhere. More commands may be available in specific rooms, or
while holding or in the room with various objects. For a full list of
general help topics see "help topics".
- General commands:
cease, daytime, faq, glance, help, hint, look, map, mission, quit, rest, scout, sleep, warscape - Commands that let you control execution of other commands:
alias, do, history, trigger, unalias - Commands that let you move around Arda:
go, swim, travelto - Commands that set and/or query the IC (in-character) information about
your character:
afk, autoaccept, charinfo, describe, exp, guildinfo, hp, hpq, languages, laston, legendinfo, merciful, pose, quests, removetag, score, serve, skills, speak, speech, spells, storyedit, surname, tradeskills, undescribe, wardrobe - Commands that let you talk to other players and/or are related to other
forms of social interaction:
clan, comm, comms, converse, emote, emoteat, enemy, er, fr, friend, guild, ignore, kudo, legend, mutter, newbiecomm, overthrow, party, plea, privacy, respond, rpscore, say, semote, shout, story, tell, tellhist, trivia, unignore, whisper, who - Commands that control the configuration of the MUD display:
brief, charset, chfn, color, conninfo, group, passwd, set, settings, snoopable, unset - Commands that let you manipulate various objects:
brew, close, cook, draw, drink, drop, eat, empty, enc, extinguish, fill, get, gold, hands, ignite, inventory, itemsort, light, lock, open, packtag, poison, put, remove, retrieve, sheath, shift, skin, sling, store, tag, take, throw, unhand, unlock, untag, wear, wield - Commands that let you interact with other living beings in game,
NPCs and players:
align, ask, dismount, give, hitch, lead, mount, tame, tradeskill, unhitch - Commands that are used in relation to fighting; both to prepare you
to fight and during actual combat. These also include PvP-specific
armour, bandage, consider, evade, focus, handcuff, investigate, kill, merciful, protect, pvp, shackle, shape, shield, spar, stop, unprotect, unshield, wanted, wimpy - Commands that let you interact with the room you are in:
camp, exits, forage, knock, search - System-related / OOC commands:
bug, commend, depart, dev, harass, hibernate, idea, immort, law, mudtime, mudvote, newbiehelper, news, prop, resume, save, suicide, survey, typo, updates, uptime, vote, warnings - The professional abilities:
appraise, attune, backstab, bash, camouflage, cast, compare, condition, conjure, counter, disguise, eaglesight, enchant, feint, find, fletch, headbutt, heal, hide, hunt, imbue, kickback, leech, multinock, pick, prowl, repair, restring, sacrifice, salvage, sense, shiv, sneak, sniff, steal, tie, track, trample, trap, unseat, warcry - Special-purpose commands that are only available to select groups
of players:
change, gm, gmnews, guildap, jail, helpercomm, hnews, makeprof, namerestrict, playtest, ptcomm, ptnews, submission
For more details on each command, you may view their individual help
files. Additionally, a summary help file for each command category is
available as listed below.
See also: |
general commands, control commands, travel commands, character commands, social commands, config commands, item commands, interaction commands, combat commands, room commands, system commands, abilities, restricted commands